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How to take care of your bicycle’s tires

How to take care of your bicycle's tires

The bicycle tires are one of the essential parts of a bike that needs attention. To take care of your bicycle, you must ensure that the tire and rim are in good shape. You should also know how to measure what’s left on your tires and how often you should replace them. This guide will show you how to do just that!

Every cyclist knows about their bike tires’ importance, but few know much about them beyond knowing it’s difficult to find a replacement when they’re out from wear or puncture. If you have a spare tire hanging off your rear rack, get it out and inspect it every once in a while to ensure there are no cracks or other damage. Check the sidewalls for rust and inspect the bead for tears.

Ways Of Taking care Of Your Bicycle’s Tires

1. Checking The Inflation

The tire pressure is usually marked as minimum and maximum on the side of the tire sidewall, but it’s not advisable to go above or below that range. However, you can go below the minimum if you’re off-road and need a lower pressure for additional grip. Unless you have specific tires designed for this purpose, don’t go above the maximum.

2. Pumping Up The Tire

It’s good practice to pump up your tires before every ride. Keeping your tires inflated to the recommended pressure can improve your bike’s handling and reduce the risk of punctures. It’s also a quick and easy task that can make a big difference in your overall riding experience.

3. Checking Your Tires

Checking your tires will help you detect any problems and prevent damage from occurring early enough that it has time to heal before the problem becomes severe or can’t easily be fixed. Over time, you can look for the following issues:

  • A tubeless tire is due for replacement when more than 30 percent of patches of the cord are exposed. The tire is no longer safe to use.
  • A classic tire also requires replacement when more than 30 percent of cords are exposed or if you have significant cuts in the tire’s sidewall.
  • If your inner tube has been patched several times and is older than two years, it should be replaced with a new one. If you have a large cut on the sidewall of your tire or if it looks abused and worn by heat, it’s also time to replace your tires.


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